Thursday, September 23, 2010

Not doing anything is what I do best...

Not doing anything at all is what me (Brina) does best. I don't want to do this government crap or do my English essay. And to top it all off i have to paint!!!
What ever happened to grabbing an ice cold Sunkist, leaning out in the sun and chillin. Well it ain't happen no more! (pardon my grammer) Plus with all this junk I'm doing i don't have free time to work on my story! And my computer deleted my almost done thing and it won't recover!


I am so ticked off right now. And no i do not have PMS though if the person i like *not hart* doesn't shape will discover that a blonde can get angry like a red head. So....

Until then!
Oh wait....
I get to eat lunch in 5 mins! Yay! I'm sick of government! yay!
So....i wonder what i am having....

GTG Mrs. Lantz is talking again........................

I miss you lazing around...I miss you a lot!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Illegal Citizenship?

(This was an essay I had to do....)
Some would say it's unjust and unamerican to deny citizenship. to childern of illegal ailens. Some would say it's just what they deserve. What do you say?
I say it is unamerican to deny citizenship...why? If we deny just one baby citizenship, it could lead to an avalance of faceless, generations jsut becasue they couldn't prove if their parents were citizens. If we take something out on the childern that they have no control over, we are turning into an evil nation. America has always prided her self on her freedom, and rights. Other countries don't have that! IF you heard America had a better opportunity for you child then your home country wouldn't you go? For you--for you child?
In the big picture you might say America are selfish, greedy, evil people. Many more would say that if we pass this bill. Re-writing the 14th admendment? If these laws had been fine in the past why not now?
Back before Barack Obama won the 2008 election, there was one republican nominee that wanted to build a wall between America and Mexico. Lately Arizona passed a law, that said the police had the right to check your papers.
What is America coming to? Is this the way we want to be viewed? Do we not trust in God at all? Our pledge, our coins, our existince, God is in it all! God made all people! Is God not right anymore? Are, our fore-fathers? In the consitution our fore-fathers said all men were created equal~
Not just white men! It is our American duty to reach out to others! To help, to heal. We've done it before! Why can't we do it now?
Childern deserve the right for a better life. So do their mother's and father's.
We are disfrachising innocent people, because they are different!

I got an A on it BTW. I'll update tomorow during gov. Until then!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm not doing my work again. Oops! Sorry about that teacher. I have a good reason...

Honestly i did most of this at home! Cause I'm a smart little cookie! Speaking of cookies i brought some for lunch! yum! :)

Andrea is talking to me so I'm multitasking. Doesn't work well for blondes. I'm excited thou. Guess why???


That's all for now because I kinda need to talk to my friends....LOL
TArkaneea i know you are reading this.....

Oh I forgot!
This guy almost got stabbed to death with a screw driver! ON that note i am leaving. Bye!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I have to do a stupid project for government. I'm wasting time now. Quite fun.
It's about Citizenship. Tarkaneea knows what I'm talking about! :)

Teacher's talking...boring. Quite boring. The real purpose of this blog post is to tell you to go to my new site:
Have fun going there!!!