Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm bored!!! and My favorites

Grr! I am so bored. Noting exciting ever happens! I am so mad at the world! It could throw a twist in it every now and then but nooooooooo it has to be boring! School's boring, home's boring, family's boring, blogging is sort of boring so it's my last resort! I need to go somewhere new! I so need to get out of this hellhole we call Iowa!! I hate it here!!!!!!!!!

Okay now i am embarresed. I didn't mean to blow up. But as most of my best friends have said,
You (Sabrina) may be a blonde, but you have a temper worthy of a red heads.

So now that,that sticky subjuct is cleared up, i have question for you. Have any of you awesome followers read fanfiction? it is one of the best forms of writing. If you haven' been on in 30 days get on now! Or face my evil wrath! *laughs evilly as all people shrink away* Um....... Now what...

Oh yeah i remeber i am so close to being done with my napkin holder. My BFFSK (Best friends forever since Kindergarton) is almost finished too. It's all great fun, and we get to start our lamps too. Now i am bored... agian. Oh wait i'll tell you my favorite things! Okay here we go... (hold on tight)

And now ladies and gentlemen i introduce Sabrina's favorite things!

These are a few of my Favorite Things
Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
T.V. Show: Castle
Food: Green Beans (i know i'm weird duh!)
Color: Yellow
Sport: Basketball
Subject: Reading/Launage Arts
Band:Superchick or Casting Crowns
Song: Hero (as of right now) by Superchick
Singer (male and female) Mark Willis and Hannah Montana (i don't like her just her songs)
Job: Vetraniran
Place: beaches
Title: Drama Queen
Past time: Reading, Fanfictioning (is that a word?) chatting with friends, emailing
Thing in the world:Animals!!! (Books are a close Second)

I think that's it... I'd go on and on and on, but if you get bored, well then i feel bad. Espically if you start to sleep walk and jump off a cliff. And succseed in killing your self (unlike Bella)
So yeah
um... signing off???

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