Disclaimer: The news you are about to hear, Harry Potter fans is completly tragic!
Okay I did that!
So now here is the news...*insert evil music in backround!*
Miss. Bari gets
And I can probably guess you are all being disapointed for the lack of adventure and stuff well it get's worse. Let me help you.
Okay what's in Flordia? Orlando
What's in Orlando? Disney World
And Finally what's in Disney World? The newly finished Harry Potter world!
And She gets to go see it! And I have to wait until I have like 1,000 so I can buy a plane ticket! Booooooooooooooo-hooooooooooooooooooo
I am crying hysterically as i type.
I need a Tissue!
WEll as you can see Tissues are my new best friend...Wait! Hold the press! I forgot something! While Bari is in Florida after going to Colorado we are driving back through South Dakota...And My favorite Band teacher who moved away lives in Sioux Falls and I get to go see him! YAY!!!!
Well I will start again. Tissues are my new best friend! Why?
Well I am "crying" about Bari getting to go see the magical World of Harry Potter! *sniff sniff*, but my allergies are acting up! I have to blow my nose like every 2 seconds! And to make it worse my nose feels 10x bigger and the heat doesn't help at all! Ugh! And my stupid parents won't turn on the air conditioning so when we open the windows all of the pollen stuff comes pouring in and goes right up my nose.
I think
That is
all for
now! Type
you later,
Miserable TBF(tissues' best friend!
P.S. Tarkaneea I just wanted to apoligize for booting out your spot for best friend. It was not at all cool and this TBF realtionship should be over soon! :)