Wednesday, June 23, 2010

That is so unfair! and Tissues are my new best friend!

Well I currently hate my Bari friend! So I was all excited cause I get to go to Colorado with my Grandma, sister, and dad and then she went and told me the news! The dreaded news!That's so unfair I could scream! Now I know what you are thinking: 'the fair's in August!' or 'stop being dramatic!' Well let's face it I am a wonderful drama queen. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Off topic! Sorry! Where were we? Oh yes the completly and utterly unfair news. Here is my disclaimer for what I am about to say!
Disclaimer: The news you are about to hear, Harry Potter fans is completly tragic!
Okay I did that!
So now here is the news...*insert evil music in backround!*
Miss. Bari gets
And I can probably guess you are all being disapointed for the lack of adventure and stuff well it get's worse. Let me help you.
Okay what's in Flordia? Orlando
What's in Orlando? Disney World
And Finally what's in Disney World? The newly finished Harry Potter world!
And She gets to go see it! And I have to wait until I have like 1,000 so I can buy a plane ticket! Booooooooooooooo-hooooooooooooooooooo
I am crying hysterically as i type.
I need a Tissue!
WEll as you can see Tissues are my new best friend...Wait! Hold the press! I forgot something! While Bari is in Florida after going to Colorado we are driving back through South Dakota...And My favorite Band teacher who moved away lives in Sioux Falls and I get to go see him! YAY!!!!
Well I will start again. Tissues are my new best friend! Why?
Well I am "crying" about Bari getting to go see the magical World of Harry Potter! *sniff sniff*, but my allergies are acting up! I have to blow my nose like every 2 seconds! And to make it worse my nose feels 10x bigger and the heat doesn't help at all! Ugh! And my stupid parents won't turn on the air conditioning so when we open the windows all of the pollen stuff comes pouring in and goes right up my nose.
I think
That is
all for
now! Type
you later,
Miserable TBF(tissues' best friend!

P.S. Tarkaneea I just wanted to apoligize for booting out your spot for best friend. It was not at all cool and this TBF realtionship should be over soon! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Band Camp!

Well okay I know I haven't updated a lot. In my defense I have been extremely busy. I'm only doing it now because I am bored out of skull. No offense to all my followers and yes Tarkaneea I will try and update sooner.
So anyways I don't think I am in Love <3 with Hart anymore. I don't think...I'm not sure.
That's beside the point. Starting Yesterday Band Camp started yay! It goes until July 2nd and the concert is July 1st so Tarkaneea you better be there! Besides all that I tied to get into Advanced Band which is the highest group...and guess what I didn't make it!
JK! Gotcha! I actaully got 8th chair (even though it's the last...)! Yay! For me! Let's see my Bari-Saxing friend got into Advanced too! Except she's behind Vockings! Boooooooooooo! I'm so sorry Bari! The music is like so hard though! I knew it would be so I am not suprised but still it's a shocker. I think the band is coming along quite nicely! Oh and guess what? Chicken butt! Just kidding but I'm being serious now...Guacomle got 7th...In Intermediate! How funny is that! She started to cry and I didn't even feel bad for her! *insert evil laugh* I'm so good, I'm bad! Even Buttwacker got better than her! So she is like a dead trumpet!
Um................What else is new?
Let's see
OH My darling (sarcasm) sister get's her braces tomorow! I will laugh at her pain. Not really I'm too nice for that! :) Or am I....! She won't be able to eat tons of stuff! Plus her braces cost over 7,000 $! Yikes! Not my problem! I have to go now because I have nothing else to say!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who Loves Math...Cause I bite my thumb at you

Hey my peeps from Love land.
Yes as you guessed it I'm know why?????
Because i'm finished with the stupid mathhomwork my stupid Math teacher Mr. McFarty (or McCarty but he farted in the middle of yesterday's class....another story!) Anyways so he farted and it was bloody hilarious. He didn't even say excuse me though. Then yesterday he made me hold one of his shirts. Where???? At his house!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!! I almost burned my hands because I had to hold a nasty Hawkeye shirt of his. Then I had to hold his pants.........not a good thing to do. It was for combinations in math of which my stupid homework ws was over. It was supposed to be easy...not so much. What happened was that i had to go record for summer band (YEAH!!!!) on my awesome slightly dented flute. So anyways i couldn't be there for this ws that was a quiz and then he gave everyone else the answers. :( I also have to make up a test too. Boo-hoo. I hate his bloody *** pardon my language. So yeah um...... i had my sister do it for me since i was like panicing.

On a weirder note. I'm in denial...for three lonely reasons. One, is that one of my bff's won't email me back because she isn't online and i need to go over to her house to finish a paper. (cough cough Stina) Two is that Hart still hasn't noticed me. Honestly the whole bloody school could be in love with him and he choses Guacomle. Oh and complements to my most awesomest bffsk (Tarkenna) who talked about stupid green Guacomle. But if you ask my mother you'd get the idea that i am green with envy. Which i am not......i guess. Sigh. Hart needs to hurry up and dump her and get with me. So any painful gorry ideas on how to kill Guacomle???? None---you people disapoint me so much! :( The third reason is that my most awesomest bbfsk (Tarkenna) has my fav taylor swift CD. So i can't annoy my sister anymore!!!! Grrrrrrr Hurry up Tark! :)

Let's see what else......? Oh wait i got my lamp back yesterday. Yay! I got a B on it which made me sad, but everyone loved my cow. Go Go Daisy!!!! And in my defence for the name i got her when i was liike 6 or 7. She's from Kentucky!!!!!!!!! A country cow. Hmmmmmm that sounds like a band.

No Taylor Swift for now, even though i have her other CD....i'm gonna' go put that in. *2 mins. later* Ahhhh much better. Taylor Swift rocks!!!!! I just was listening to Rascal Flatts who i like also.

Oh you know what makes me mad? No one has read Romeo and Juliet! It's a classic. Anyways there is this very insulting insult in there called I bite my thumb at you!!! Look it up to see what i mean.
Minions *evil laughter*

and yes Tark i know i'm crazy. Ha got there before u. Crap she chucking stuff at me. Run Run for the fear of the evil and awesome Tarkenna. And i spelled that wrong. Oh well.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm crushed because my Fairy tale's ruined, and the real story

I'm crushed.

i walked into the band room today after school and you know what i saw? Hart (aka my crush) and Guacomle (his recently made girlfriend) making goo-goo eyes at each other. And when i said hi to Hart he ignored me.

I'm crushed.

The song i'm listening too describes this situation.

Should've said No by Taylor Swift

It was one chance it was moment of weakness

and you said yes.

You should've said no , Should've gone home

YOu should've thought twice before you let it all go....and gone to me

Is she worth it? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Guacomle is a complte ***hole
I hate her and worse off Seth has been my crush for the last 2 months
and only 4 select people know

Now don't go logging off my blog because you think it's worthless.
NO here's the real story including juicy little secerts about Guacomle.

The real Story: By Sabrina

We walk into lunch like any normal day. I walk into the lunch line to grab a chessebuger because it was either that or a hotdog. Yuck! Anyways so we got to sit down at our table, and i start to multi task. One half of my brain is occupied with my crush (Hart) while the other is with my friends. Then Wiener has to go and shout to the world that Guacomle likes Hart and then suddenly their boy friend and girlfriend. My crush with the jerk of all jerks. My best friend *cough cough* knew about it and so did my other best friend and they tried to make me feel better by saying they won't be together long. Yeah right Guacomle can hang on like an Octopus. Anyways Guacomle yelled at Weiner for yelling out to the whole world about who she likes. Why? I mean she got my excuse me the guy right? Well anyways i am crushed plus with the whole band incident i mean who wouldn't be. To add to my pain I crushed on him in elemantry too but apparently I'm just a friend. Or a very annoying person who he happens to know.
He's clueless too! When i tried to drop him a hint that she'll break his heart no one belived me. They just laughed and said good joke Sabrina. so know i'm literally crying. What can i say

Despite this i can't stop thinking about him. I want Hart to be mine! He holds my heart not Guacomle's. Anyways here's a juicy little sercert about my dear jerk friend Guacomle----she was caught making out with her previous boyfriend Rice when they were still going out. She got grounded for like 2 months. I overheard her talking in the bathroom. Way to hide a dirty little secert in Guacomle.

So i was wondering if you kindly people could respond to my cry and give me what i want-revenge. If people at my school didn't know yet his last two girlfriends almost died. And no one suspected me. So watch out.

That's the real story.
You know i kinda' feel like James Potter
when Lily Evans kept rejecting him. My heart is broke.

And what hurts the most is that he...he has kissed me once (1st grade or 2nd) and he has almost kissed me like 3 times. My heart leaps for joy but soul is still in Hades. So anyways i'm listening to a new song now

What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts

And what hurts the most is being so close
Not knowin' what to say
watchin' as you walk away
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Help me please
I'm crushed

sorry for the long blog