Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm crushed because my Fairy tale's ruined, and the real story

I'm crushed.

i walked into the band room today after school and you know what i saw? Hart (aka my crush) and Guacomle (his recently made girlfriend) making goo-goo eyes at each other. And when i said hi to Hart he ignored me.

I'm crushed.

The song i'm listening too describes this situation.

Should've said No by Taylor Swift

It was one chance it was moment of weakness

and you said yes.

You should've said no , Should've gone home

YOu should've thought twice before you let it all go....and gone to me

Is she worth it? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Guacomle is a complte ***hole
I hate her and worse off Seth has been my crush for the last 2 months
and only 4 select people know

Now don't go logging off my blog because you think it's worthless.
NO here's the real story including juicy little secerts about Guacomle.

The real Story: By Sabrina

We walk into lunch like any normal day. I walk into the lunch line to grab a chessebuger because it was either that or a hotdog. Yuck! Anyways so we got to sit down at our table, and i start to multi task. One half of my brain is occupied with my crush (Hart) while the other is with my friends. Then Wiener has to go and shout to the world that Guacomle likes Hart and then suddenly their boy friend and girlfriend. My crush with the jerk of all jerks. My best friend *cough cough* knew about it and so did my other best friend and they tried to make me feel better by saying they won't be together long. Yeah right Guacomle can hang on like an Octopus. Anyways Guacomle yelled at Weiner for yelling out to the whole world about who she likes. Why? I mean she got my excuse me the guy right? Well anyways i am crushed plus with the whole band incident i mean who wouldn't be. To add to my pain I crushed on him in elemantry too but apparently I'm just a friend. Or a very annoying person who he happens to know.
He's clueless too! When i tried to drop him a hint that she'll break his heart no one belived me. They just laughed and said good joke Sabrina. so know i'm literally crying. What can i say

Despite this i can't stop thinking about him. I want Hart to be mine! He holds my heart not Guacomle's. Anyways here's a juicy little sercert about my dear jerk friend Guacomle----she was caught making out with her previous boyfriend Rice when they were still going out. She got grounded for like 2 months. I overheard her talking in the bathroom. Way to hide a dirty little secert in Guacomle.

So i was wondering if you kindly people could respond to my cry and give me what i want-revenge. If people at my school didn't know yet his last two girlfriends almost died. And no one suspected me. So watch out.

That's the real story.
You know i kinda' feel like James Potter
when Lily Evans kept rejecting him. My heart is broke.

And what hurts the most is that he...he has kissed me once (1st grade or 2nd) and he has almost kissed me like 3 times. My heart leaps for joy but soul is still in Hades. So anyways i'm listening to a new song now

What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts

And what hurts the most is being so close
Not knowin' what to say
watchin' as you walk away
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Help me please
I'm crushed

sorry for the long blog

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